Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer is Flying By!

I can't believe it has been so long since I wrote on this blog. This summer is flying by. We are seeing sun today which is a change from the rainy days we have been having this month. I am not going to process anymore of my wool. It is now time to send the rest to the mill and it will come back in beautiful roving all ready to spin. I am going to continue to do some dyeing though. I have a beautiful silver fleece I want to dye royal blue. The yarn from this wool will be for a sweater for me. That is a project for after Christmas. I have to start thinking about knitting Christmas presents now since I have 5 children, 4 step children and all together 13 grandchildren. Just thinking about this makes my fingers hurt lol. I am still working on my pie shawl and also knitting lace scarves hoping they will sell at a weekend gathering I am attending in September.
The wild fruit in my yard is growing like crazy and I have been taking time to can jams and jellies. It is a lot of fun. Blackberries are ready to pick right now and should last a few weeks. Then it will be time for the apples and pears. Boy, I am so busy how will I ever fit in a job. Well, back to my knitting. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!! Anne
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