Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lovely Romney Fiber!

After a few weeks of washing and dyeing wool. I am taking a break from that step of fiber processing. It is probably a good thing because the oak trees are now shedding these long stringy things and they get stuck in everything. There are so many this year that they get all bunched up and look like tumble weeds rolling around in the wind. I had some wool outside drying and it took forever to pick all that stuff out. In the picture you can see that they got a piece of my wool. i think I will wait untill they are all off the tree and gone before I do anymore washing and drying.

I am now picking,blending and carding wool. The picture is of a basket of picked and blended white and dyed romney. This is such a lovely fleece. I bought it from a friend of mine at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival. I am planning on getting more from her soon.

I do like this picking and blending step because I get to handle the fibers and be creative with the blending of colors. It takes time but it is worth it in the end. This step will probably be easier with a picker but for now I just sit and pick while I watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes I just enjoy the quiet or listen to the birds.

I have seen so many different kinds of birds this year. I am not sure if I just wasn't paying attention before or if they are just starting to come around. I keep trying to get pictures of them. Sometimes I am successful and other times I am not.

I love taking pictures and will share many here at my blog and also at my website.

Time to get back to my picking and blending! Anne

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