Monday, May 26, 2008

No More Washing

Even though I took a day off yesterday and had fun buying beads and things for my jewelry making, I went right back to the job of washing wool again today. I think it is time for me to stop. This next batch of white wool is just too hard to get clean. I have deicded to let what i have washed today dry and send it to the mill to be washed and made into roving. I have a ton of white and dyed wool to start working with and I am anxious to get to that. So for now I am done washing the white wool. Starting tomorrow I will be washing the rest of the natural dark fleeces and then I will be done for awhile. Next step,picking, carding and blending. Have a great Day! Anne


Marmee said...

I found your website from your post about teaching children to spin. Your website is really cute, you have done a good job and congrats on your new grandchild, what a doll!!
May many wooly dreams come true just for you.

Marmee said...

OOOPS!! I said website twice and I really meant BLOG...what a silly goose I am, so sorry. Well, I have 8 children, does that solve that puzzle for you? LOL

Anne said...

Hi Marmee, Thank you for visiting my blog. I am pretty new to this but it is fun. Wow, 8 children and I thought 5 was a lot. I know how hectic it got with only 5. I now have 4 step-children and 7 step-grandchildren. Unfortunately, they all live in Michigan and we don't get to see them very often but I sure keep my fingers busy around Christmas time with my knitting needles. I am having fun blending and carding wool today. hope you have a great day!